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Event Name:Board of Directors Election Notice
Date:January 7, 2025 8:00 AM - February 17, 2025 5:00 PM

Board of Directors Election Notice

TCT's Nominating Committee; Art Center, Mike Gutchell, and Duane Lineback have nominated incumbent Lorraine Arney to fill one current seat on TCT's Board of Directors. 


Lorraine ArneyLorraine Arney

Having over 47 years of credit union experience at various levels in three credit unions, Lorraine started as a teller and worked her way into executive management at Hudson River and TCT Federal Credit Union and was the CEO of Northern Corridor FCU. She is a former board member of the Credit Union Association of NY, was a credit union consultant and worked as a liaison with the National Credit Union Association (NCUA).

She was on the Planning Board for the Village of Rouses Point, NY, and was previously involved as a volunteer for the following: Wait House Committee in Glens Falls, Tax Aide for AARP and the Glens Falls Hospital volunteer program.

Currently, Lorraine has served on TCT's Board of Directors for three years and as an Associate Member prior to that. Lorraine brings diversity and a different perspective to this position.


Nomination Information

Nomination petitions for candidates who wish to seek elections may be requested by calling or visiting any TCT branch or our website; tctfcu.org. A minimum of 20 members, in good standing, must sign a candidate’s petition, and the petition must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board by February 17, 2025. There will be no nominations from the floor. The Secretary shall post the accepted nominations at least 35 days prior to the Annual Meeting.

Nomination petitions for candidates who wish to seek election are available here.

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